July 11

4 Types of Powerful Empath Healers


The internet is rife with misinformation about empath healers and empathic healing techniques. In this article, I provide clarity on the idea of an empath healer.

What Is An Empath Healer?

Let’s start with some simple propositions.

An empath feels another’s emotions and feelings as her own.

A healer treats illness or suffering.

An empath healer feels another’s emotions and treats illness or suffering.

Empaths are not necessarily healers.

Healers are not necessarily empaths.

Many empaths identify as healers, but they are not. Becoming a healer requires training and experience. In addition to mastering a healing modality, empaths must learn to control their empathic sensitivity.

Types of Healers


Allopathic healing is based on western science, and is evidence-based. We call these healers doctors and nurses. They generally treat diseases and injuries with drugs, surgeries, and other physical interventions. An empath healer may be a physician or nurse after long training in formal education and internship.


Osteopathic healing treats medical disorders through the manipulation and massage of the bones, joints, and muscles. Osteopaths are also qualitied to practice allopathic medicine

An empath healer may be an osteopath.


Naturopathy is a system of alternative medicine based on the theory that diseases can be successfully treated or prevented without the use of drugs or surgery by techniques such as control of diet, exercise, and massage. Naturopathy is not necessarily based on evidence-based principles and allopathic healers view it with skepticism.

An empath healer may be a naturopath.

Alternative Medicine

Alternative medicine encompasses a wide a range of medical therapies such as herbalism, homeopathy, acupuncture, and energy medicine. Many empath healers identify themselves as alternative medicine practitioners.

 Mind–Body Medicine

The most benign form of alternative medicine are health and fitness interventions. These modalities work on a physical and mental level. They include contemplative and physical activities such as such as yoga and tai chi.

An empath healer may be a mind-body medicine practitioner.

Energy Medicine,

Energy Medicine is the use of human energy fields to assess and treat energetic imbalances, bringing the body’s systems (neurological, cardiovascular, respiratory, skeletal, endocrinal, emotional/psychological, etc) back to homeostasis. Energy medicine proposes that very low energies (subtle energies) inhibit or activate physical aspects of a human body by carrying information to and from the human body.

Disturbances in the coherence of energy patterns of the human energy field indicate disease and aging. When these energy particles are exposed to energy medicine in the form of coherent energy patterns (e.g., Pranic Healing, PEMF, vibrational medicine, Reiki, Polarity Therapy, acupuncture, Healing Touch, etc.), the disturbed resonant patterns return to their original, coherent, harmonic, and vibrational state.

Energy medicine has many variants. Many modalities derive from Vedic or Chinese sources For example, the Vedic tradition states that chakras are energy centers in our bodies that control the flow of subtle energy. Healthy chakras promote healthy bodies. Hence, many energy practitioners work with chakras to resolve health issues.

In Chinese medicine, subtle energy is called chi. Chinese medicine operates on the same idea—that chi imbalances cause disease. Acupuncture works to rebalance and stabilize the body’s subtle energy fields.

There are non-touch and touch energy medicine modalities.

In non-touch modalities, such as Pranic Healing, the practitioner does not touch the patient. Instead, the practitioner senses the condition of the energy fields and brings them back to a healthy resonance.

Touch modalities include Polarity Therapy, Healing Touch, Reiki, Cranial-Sacral Therapy, Trager, Bowen, and Brennan Healing Science. The therapist’s hands modulate subtle energies by touching the patient.

Another form of energy medicine involves spiritual healing. A spiritual healer is someone who becomes a channel for the flow of healing light and energy from a divine source. Although the nomenclature is different, the idea is the same: Bring the human energy field back in healthy resonance through divine intervention.

Energy medicine attracts empath healers. Many empath healers can sense human energy fields while non-empaths are blind. The world of energy medicine accepts empath healers to a greater degree than the allopathic and osteopathic worlds.

Empath Healers Must Be Trained

Just because you are an empath, you are not a healer.

An empath must learn to become a qualified empath healer. First, she must control her empathic sensitivity. The path to control is mastering emotional competency. Without emotional control, the empath cannot focus on the needs of a patient because she may be distracted by the constant flood of emotional experiences around her.

Once an empath gains emotional competency, she must achieve practitioner competency. In some cases, the training is simple and short. In other modalities, training takes years or decades of formal education and supervised practice.

Integration of empathic skill with healing modality creates the empath healer. This healer is powerful because the patient feedback is deeper, broader, and faster. Non-empath healers simply do not receive this information, and may not be as effective. For those empaths called to become healers, the journey is worth the effort. They gain great satisfaction from being effective bringing others back to health.

Empath healers when trained properly are powerful.

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