Making Sense of the Types of Empaths
There are different types of empaths. Most lists contain the following types of empaths
- Emotional
- Physical
- Geomantic or earth
- Plant
- Animal
- Intuitive
Each of these types of empath demonstrate different sensitivities and different abilities. Too many people report the experience of listening to plants or being able to intuit the medical condition of another person to make the phenomena dismissible. Instead of dismissing the types of empaths as psychobabble, we ask the question, if there are different types of empaths, what might be the underlying causes.
We at base our teaching on science, not on myth. Which leads us to ponder, “Is there any credible science to support a diversity of empathic types?”
Guess what? There is credible science to support the idea that there are different types of empaths. Had you asked me the question before I started doing some research for this blog, I would have said no. I suspect that most rationalists would deny the existence of these different empaths as well. What I discovered was fascinating.
Empathy and Information
If we assume that empaths are experiencing something different than non-empaths, we can make a simple hypothesis:
Empaths are sensitive to information that non-empaths cannot perceive.
Using information as the basis for empathic ability creates a simple explanation for what empaths perceive.
Each type of empath is sensitive to information related to its type.
- Physical empathy implies sensitivity to another person’s physical/medical condition
- Geomantic empathy implies sensitivity to the earth and the environment.
- Plant empathy implies sensitivity to flora.
- Animal empathy implies sensitivity to fauna.
- Intuitive empathy implies sensitivity to direct knowing.
Information and Vibrational Energy
All Information Is Vibrational
You know this without thinking about it. The cochlea in your ear receives a sound. When the hair inside the cochlea vibrates in resonance with the sound wave, connected neurons fire. A massively complex process occurs in microseconds. We hear a thunderclap.
Likewise, electronic impulses are vibrations that carry information. Modern computer technology is based on the simple idea of a switch turning off and on hundreds of millions of timer per second that is a vibration that carries information. However, the idea that physical vibration is the sole source of information is incomplete. Matter, for example, does not consist of little billiard balls careening around in space.
We know from quantum mechanical theory and abundant data over the last century that matter is more like a tight little standing wave of concentrated energy. Each of these waves are more or less localized in space and time.
The Resonance Theory of Consciousness
“Based on the observed behavior of the entities that surround us, from electrons to atoms to molecules to bacteria to paramecia to mice, bats, rats, etc., all things may be viewed as at least
a little conscious.” Tam Hunt,
Resonance theory postulates that all matter is conscious. The complexity of consciousness is dependent upon the vibrational state. A rock may be conscious, but not by much, as its vibrational state is quite low. Nevertheless, because it vibrates, it holds some consciousness. When resonance is created, information can flow between sources. Empaths may have an ability to create a resonance with other people, animals, and things, and receive information.
Masuru Emoto and Water Crystals
Masuru Emoto claimed that human consciousness had an effect on the molecular structure of water., His book, The Hidden Messages In Water, published in 2004, was a New York Times bestseller. Emoto was not a trained scientist, and his work was dismissed as pseudo-science despite its enormous popularity with the New Age/Spirituality crowd.
Four years later, Dr. Dean Radin, the head research scientist at the Institute for Noetic Sciences, took on the task of proving or disproving Emoto’s theory. In a triple blind study, he tested the hypothesis that water exposed to distant intentions affects the aesthetic rating of ice crystals formed from that water.
Radin’s study confirmed Emoto’s hypothesis that water molecules could be changed by human consciousness from a remote distance. While the underlying medium remained unknown, the effect was undeniable.
DNA Teleportation
Nobel Laureate Dr. Luc Montagnier is best known for his 1983 discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which has been identified as the cause of AIDS. This discovery led directly to the development of a test for detecting the presence of HIV in blood samples. Now his does research on memory of water.
In a harshly criticized experiment, he tested his hypothesis that DNA contains electromagnetic signals that transmit the DNA information to another place. Two neighboring, but physically detached test tubes, were placed within a copper coil and subjected to a very low frequency electromagnetic field of 7 hertz. The apparatus was isolated from Earth’s natural magnetic field so there was no interfering. One tube contained a fragment of DNA (around 100 bases long) and the second one contained nothing but water. After around 17 hours, the gene fragment (according to Montagnier) was recovered from both tubes, even though one should have just contained water.
The scientific community dismissed the results. The experiment was never replicated because scientists found the entire idea implausible. Nevertheless, this experiment, along with other outliers of science such as the Radin/Emoto study are suggesting that the idea of information as vibration or resonance is much subtler than Newtonian physics would have us believe.
Empaths and Resonance Theory
If we accept that information is vibrational, we can speculate that empaths may tap into vibrations or resonant frequencies that non-empaths do not perceive.
They may come into resonance with something, a plant or animal, and synchronize with its consciousness.
Of course, there are many unanswered questions.
How do resonating entities that are in mutual communication adjust their resonance frequencies to achieve resonance with each other? An empath starts out of sync and somehow, in many cases, become synced with a subject. What forces are at work in these processes?
The point is that a scientific explanation for types of empaths is possible and plausible.
Empaths may tap into vibrations or resonant frequencies that non-empaths do not perceive.
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